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The Policy and Procedures are under Review for 2020

The Trust is pleased to be able to offer annual charitable distributions to its members.  We currently offer two types of distributions:

  1. Distributions for Marae and projects undertaken by raukawa entities; and
  2. Fish Distribution for Marae and Iwi/hapū hui.

There is flexibility under the Trust Deed to do a broader range of mahi to benefit Iwi members – this will be explored over the coming years as the putea and number of registered members increase and as our strategic direction evolves.

Distributions are based upon meeting the following charitable objectives as outlined in our Trust Deed:

  • Relief of poverty for the benefit of Raukawa ki te Tonga iwi;
  • The advancement of education or religion for the benefit of Raukawa ki te Tonga iwi; or
  • Any other matter that is beneficial to Māori as a people and, in particular, is beneficial to the community of Raukawa ki te Tonga and all the members irrespective of where those members reside.

Distributions are guided by the Trust’s Distribution Policy and must only be made to other charitable organisations for charitable purposes that benefit Raukawa ki te Tonga.

Each year the Trust determines:

  • An amount of money to be made available in that financial year; and
  • Priority projects for that financial year.

Priorities for Applications:

  1. Marae, Iwi and Hapū of Raukawa ki te Tonga
  2. Other Raukawa ki te Tonga entities
  3. Organisations and projects that support and promote Te Reo Māori within Raukawa ki te Tonga
  4. Environmental projects within the rohe of Raukawa ki te Tonga.
  5. Projects that benefit future generations of Raukawa ki te Tonga.

If you have any questions about the application please message us on Facebook, email us on

Fish Distribution for Marae, Iwi/Hapū hui

The Trust is able to purchase fish for Raukawa ki te Tonga marae use. Each marae has delegated one or two people to order fish on their behalf.

Advance notice is essential. We cannot purchase fish on weekends and weather dictates availability. Generally, we access boxes of fresh hoki fillets in 5 or 10kg boxes.  A 10kg box will generally provide for 50-60 people if there is other protein on the menu. Specific species cannot be ordered. 

If you are after fish for a marae event please request through your Marae delegate:

[to insert list of marae delegates and their email address/phone number]

The Marae delegate will then send the request to the AHC CEO Jack Morris.

In your fish request to your marae delegate you will need to indicate:

  • Who is ordering the fish?
  • Which marae it is for?
  • What is the event being held?
  • When is the fish required? and
  • Who will take receipt of the fish when it is delivered by courier to:
    Te Wānanga o Raukawa, the Runanga office in Levin or the Feilding depot.
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