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Customary Fishing Permits


Customary fishing rights are guaranteed to tangata whenua under Te Tiriti o Waitangi. These rights are protected by law.  There are different customary fishing regulations for different areas.  The Fisheries (Kaimoana Customary Fishing) Regulations 1998 apply to the North Island and Chatham Islands.

Under the regulations, kaitiaki can be appointed for a specific rohe moana.  Tangata whenua notify the Minister of Fisheries of proposed kaitiaki. The Minister then confirms their appointment.

Tangata kaitiaki/tiaki authorise and manage customary activities, enabling customary fishing and management traditions to continue in the rohe moana.


Tangata kaitiaki set customary fishing rules that are consistent with their customary practices. They are responsible for managing customary fishing in their rohe moana and:

  • are the only people who can authorise customary fishing
  • regularly report the amount of customary catch in their rohe moana to us so that sustainability measures (such as catch limits) or management controls can be set for the fishery.


Ngāti Raukawa Kaitiaki / Customary Permit Issuers

The Kaitiaki / Customary permit issues for different areas withing Ngāti Raukawa are:

[To add - List of current kaitiaki and contact details]

Customary permits allow you to collect much more kaimoana than you are allowed to gather through recreational fishing.  If you have a tangihana or any other event or marae event on please get in touch with the relevant Kaitiaki and seek a customary permit.

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